Printed Travel Guides - (c) Michael Mueller Verlag
Task Ontology and Task Ontology Authoring Tool (TOAD)
Plaka area in Athens, Greece as "seen" by flickr images
iPhone & eBook Prototypes
Web Annotation Tool

A serious effort in the project was to compile actual content in the form of travel guides for the content repository and to author actual task metadata to be used in connection with this content. To better management content and metadata management a Web-based content annotation tool was created. This tool directly access the content repository to manipulate the data. The important components of this tool are:

  • Task annotation
  • Annotating content with POIs (Points of Interest), i.e., linking content with various points of interest
  • Creating a geocoding framework for manual geocoding of POIs
  • A web scraping tool for enhancing existing content and POI information with web content

A deliberate attempt was made to combine all those separate and individual tools and frameworks, into a simple, concise, easy to use web application. A web application was the obvious choice, since:

  • It requires no installation on the client's machine, as it works within the browser
  • It is easy to use and learn, since it is very similar to a normal web site
  • Various free tools and frameworks exist for creating rich web applications

Therefore, the TALOS annotation tool incorporates all the various frameworks and tools described on WP3 by the Technical Annex, on one cohesive application that allows:

  • The Task annotation of content (linking content with tasks).
  • The POI annotation of content (linking content with various points of interest)
  • The geocoding (updating, correcting) of POIs
  • Enhancing existing content and POI information with web content through the use of the included web scraping tool, implemented as a custom Firefox extension

Demo of the TALOS annotation tool (screencast)