RTD Providers
The Data and Knowledge Engineering Group (DKE), a research group at the Research Academic Computer Technology Institute (CTI), a public research institute under the supervision of the Greel ministry of eduction with offices in Patras and Athens, is the project co-ordinator of TRACK&TRADE. DKE conducts research in the area of data management, with a focus on spatial and temporal data, typically in the scope of national and European funded research projects. Recent activities include a project on telematics services for the Greek market and a European IST project on mobile computing. |
The Institute for the Management of Information Systems (IMIS) in Athens is a research institute within the Research and Innovation Center in Information, Communication and Knowledge Technologies - ATHENA. The mission of IMIS is to conduct research in the area of data management and large-scale information systems. Its research areas are management of spatial and spatiotemporal data (GIS, spatial data infrastructure), information integration and interoperability (Digital Libraries), Distributed Information Systems (sensor networks, peer-to-peer networks, grids), Web Information Systems (semantic Web), privacy preservation.
The Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering (ISST), with its two institute divisions in Berlin and Dortmund, is an organization of the Fraunhofer Society for the Promotion of Applied Research. Founded in 1992, the Fraunhofer ISST has been supporting computer science research within the Information and Communication Technology Cluster of the Fraunhofer Society. It provides consulting to companies and public institutions in the conception, implementation, deployment, and operation of long-term information and communications infrastructures and places emphasis on the following master themes (i)Information Logistics and (ii) Continuous Software Engineering. The "Location-based Services" department of Fraunhofer ISST mostly focuses on personalized, situation-based services in mobile applications in two major areas, namely Early Warning Systems and Transportation Information Systems. |
Founded in 1425, the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (K.U.Leuven) is the oldest university of the Lower Countries and largest Belgian university. The Research Group on Document Architectures (DocArch) at the Centre for Usability Engineering was formed in 1991 and its knowledge was then based on electronic document conversion research in the 1980s. It is now active in the modeling of information (hypertext and multimedia) in structured documents, and on the applications, such as high-speed document transformations, stemming from this approach. Recently the Research Group had been focusing on navigational aspects in large information pools and on gaining information from these collections through SOAP and Topic Maps technology. European projects where these technologies were applied include OmniPaper and, more recently WalkonWeb, where the use of ontologies as a language-independent means to structure information was studied.
SME Partners
WIGeoGIS is one of the leading European enterprises in the ranges of geo-marketing and internet/mobile GIS with more than 300 customers at 2 enterprise locations. |
Michael Mueller Verlag (MMV) was founded in 1979 as a publishing house for alternative, practical travel guides, the company had early successes such as their Inter Rail compendia. Currently, 150 guides are offered covering Europe almost completely. In addition new guides have been publishing covering non-European destinations but also city guides and smaller, special interest regions. The guides have high popularity due to their focused travel tips, also allowing for budget travel professional layout and up-to-date information. MMV has become the market leader for specialized travel publications and is a three-times winner of the ITB Award for this market segment. MMV started publishing their guides as e-books. Currently 20 titles are available and new ones are added on a weekly basis. |
Talent in Athens, Greece is a high-tech start-up company founded in 2002aimed at creating innovative products and services in the fields of education, culture, tourism, environment and commerce. The company’s flagship product Cruiser a new medium for publishing, advertizing, searching, expressing and communicating on the web, based on maps and geographic space. |